Nissan has made a name in the automotive racing scene with their legends of the GT-Rs. From the Skyline GT-R r32 up until currently the R35 also known as the Nissan GT-R. List of years and models from the great great grandpa to the great great grandchild:
All though the GT-R first came out in 1969 for that time they were a beast, in my opinion they didnt became more popular with the R32. WIth the Fast and the Furious sagas made them explode in the states. But they were legends in japan even was givin the nick name Godzilla.
GT-R got the nickname Godzilla from an Australian press because its dominated on the track and earned the reputation of "monster" on the track. .
'Dude I almost had you'
- Paul Walker"
Referance Godzilla and everyone in the racing community would know right away what car you're talking about. My opinion Paul walker brought it to light in the U.S. and made everyone want one.
Brief video how GT-R Became Godzilla:
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Vixiane Phimmady